Sunday 17 June 2012

hippie chick strikes again

Yay! we have a hippy chick in the house
.One of the divas came in today clutching a well grown out of favourite pair of jeans, and asked me to............. make a bag!!!!!!!!!.
it doesn't seem five minutes since my mum made me just such a bag, I had enormous Rupert bear tartan oxford bags and a really long nearly to the floor woollen waistcoat and every week I would sit and gaze at top of the pops and hope to see Marc bolan and t. Rex- this was before my David cassidy days...
hm, maybe more than five minutes then...

so, we set to and cut and stitched,she did really well and we found a sort of retro floral for the lining
bish bash bosh!
a very pleasant afternoon stitching, resulting in a fab new bag, cool huh.

so what else have I been doing?
tomorrow evening I will be at the pea room quilting group as part of a 4 corners  night,what am I teaching?
well, I was asked to do some of my funny stuff.
so funny stuff it is.

I thought I would show my folding books so Iv quickly made some basic pieces to explain the process
so, above is the vilene pages stitched together.

above is one with a couple of pages stitched in,I didn't know what to base this little book on, and then I thought---buttons, got a lot, keep collecting them, never use them, now I will, hurrah

am I getting carried away? its only supposed to be an example....I thought if I showed the ladies some simple books then the tea book wouldn't be such a shock,  how funny should I be exactly?
.oh and PS Iv added my little plan at the bottom in case anyone wants to have a try, go on, you know you want to, and all the blocks are square, by the way.
ha! one last page.

Thursday 7 June 2012

the partys over....

Yes, sadly, the party's over and wev all been jubilleeed out, doubly so in our house, as it was also Mr shed mans 60th birthday as well as the queens big do,  ooh, we were busy,
but now back to sewing, remember  this page?
I am making two folding books at the same time and I am soo excited about them, The page above is modern fabrics, scraps, bits and bobs
, ah but the lower page  is part of a book that will be entirely made from angela daymonds naturally dyed fabrics.
the lace, cotton, and threads were dyed with daffodils.

I would like to say she kindly gave them to me, but actually I was really cheeky and rifled through her natural dye samples and snaffled quite a bit-
[ shes used to me by now]

these will be the backs[ to be stitched]

And this is the next page
these fabrics are dyed with Cutch, an Indian dye.

And this is the other side

and blogger has eaten my next photo, Im getting resigned to this now....if youd like to see my other book- its fun please visit here..night night,