Wednesday 19 September 2012

cor blimey!thats a big one....

and look at that beach....

We went to the seaside on Saturday, for a perfect day.

where else would you see a giant mobile aluminium fish[maybe a whale] theatre, allowing two whole people to see a performance /

buckets and spades

Donkeys and deckchairs.

Playing in the sand
A big metal dog riding a bike
And of course, that well known traditional seaside food, paella.      yum yum....
In my opinion, mablethorpe is the best seaside in Britain, and you cant beat a perfect day at the seaside... 
But enough of this, lets get on to the stitchy stuff.

This is part of a sleeve of part of a silk blouse that my good friend Mary gave to me to pop into my space dyeing tray at summer school,
 But it wants to be a pocket in my next pocketty book , yes , another book.yes I know I have seven [ or possibly 107]on the go, but whats one more
so I started stitching.

Its coming along quite nicely

adding bits and bobs, just doodling,

Its alright, its quite nice, but I'm a bit bored,  its a bit....    normal, maybe that's alright, I was 54 yesterday so maybe its time to be a grown up and do grown up stuff........


It needs something, it needs,
dangly things...
oh yes, definitely dangly things....

Il be back when Iv finished the dangly things....

Wednesday 12 September 2012

normal service is resumed

lovely schooley school is back and all the small people are fully occupied,
.I had a lot of fun in the hols, even did some sewing
above is a piece of batik fabric that I did at Angela's summer school, we had a lot of fun playing with messy paints and dyes and I came home with enough altered cloth to last me all year,
below is a book cover in progress, its a vintage doily that's been space dyed the white embroidery took the dye really well.

I have had great fun this summer, ,    I
took a break from blogging just to give my brain a rest[ its old, it gets tired]been to the woods, and parks and the seaside a lot
,I even camped at a hippy festival- wow the most fun Iv had in years, it was soo cool. hippys everywhere and lots of sitting on the grass doing handicrafts, and listening to great music, I even had a lesson in bollywood dancing to banghra, I used to be a hippy and it was all soo nostalgic , already looking forward to next year....
above is a standy  upee concertina folding christmas book  stroke ornament that I taught the ladies at academy to make this week, no doubt, as usual, they will return next month with at least three examples each, all better than mine and they will have thought of a better more interesting way to do it, they are very talented ladies,

And here's a second one I made, more stitchy.
certain people keep laughing at my loosness and raw edges and general untidiness[ you know who you are] so I am trying to be much more tidy and neat, I have to say its killing me, I practically feel like a grown up.

 I do hope, dear reader, that you are all very impressed with my calm thought fullness and neat edges,  grrr.
here is a nearly finished postcard, just needs a bit more stitching,its my entry for a masking tape challenge, it came along just at the right time, as I had just seen, fallen  in love with and purchased a big beautiful tube of the orangiest orange acrylic paint Iv ever seen, so I had a lovely afternoon smearing paint over about a yard of calico, so there will be more of this in the future. 
and now for something differant, my youngest filly is making a little folding bird book, well suposed to be, so we are slowly making pages based on birds or feathers.

last night, I grabbed some scraps and a thick felt chicken thingy and just stitched a birdie for her.


and after....
 One last thing, the top picture? I sewed that on tuesday night whilst gazing at Martin  Shaw on the telly, phwoar, be still my beating heart...

and one more last thing, found a new blogger today   hoolatallulah    a gal after my own heart, worth a visit.

am I all caught up?  yes? then good night, my needles calling me...