Sunday 13 December 2009


wow! what a busy much present buying to be done ,costumes for school plays to be made and school plays to be watched,and of course xmas food to be eaten at every opportunity. Actually I am lying about the costume -mr shedman had something suitably medieval looking lurking in his wardrobe pretending to be A tee shirt,! he is always wearing it so it must be worn out!One of the short people in our house had to wear it as a shopkeepers dress. Himself didnt recognise it so that was okay.Anyway,a big thankyou to all the very kind people who e mailed me with ideas for presents for teachers,the one I settled on was a lovely little criss cross bag ,a bit fiddley but nice All 18 need to be finished by thursday and i am off to a spa day tomorrow so midnight oil may have to be burned ,i would probably get more done if i stopped reading other peoples blogs hya angela, trudi , julie,and jude........


  1. Enjoy the spa! I think your bags probably haven't been unsewn seven times and thrown across the room like my one has!!!!

  2. Need a hand? Might save a little unsewing and throwing LOL Enjoy your Spa day :)


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