Monday, 28 November 2011

titchy little chaps

The heart brooch's are finished, and they are rather cute ,aren't  they, and quite small, only two inches tall
  I did enjoy making them but I wasn't to happy with the instructions, the magasine said to cut out each heart, then iron bondaweb to the back of each heart, then bond a heart shaped piece of felt to the back of each one.

I found it quicker and easier to simply iron a piece of bondaweb onto the back of the whole sheet,
and then bond the sheet to a piece of felt, and cut out the little hearts afterwards
no critiscism of stitch magasine, its great, always full of good ideas and stuff to try out, I often give away magasines but not this one, I always keep them

 Anyway, total change of subject.....
does anyone know what this plant is?
I buy it every year as an anual bedding plant and it has bright purple stems,
love it! i want to do a little page on it but dont know its name...
any answers?

one more change of subject,  I am extremely excited to have joined  the stitching challenge starting in january.
 Im hoping to learn loads of new stuff and get lots of ideas,  have a look on   pintangle  about three posts back....
bye for now  tina

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Saved stitching

Between Christmas shopping,still dillying about with curtains and listening to people coughing a lot, I haven't done much fun sewing.
But yesterday my magasine arrived through my letter box, it was like a mini Christmas!

And look,a perfect little project, portable, easy and quick
. lots of lovely little brooches 

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!!!!

P,S. The fabric is a 15 year old scrap of a half made dolly jacket , that I found in a box , see, everything is use full eventually.......

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Busy week,little blighters.

A lot of sewing this week,too much in fact.
their were jeans to be mended,an under wire to be fixed back into a bra and then
bloody badges!!!!!!!!!
Its remembrance Sunday coming up and badges must be  on uniforms, not in boxes sitting in the to do pile,
after I had sewn about 57 thousand of the blighters on, then,
then Angela tells me her no 1 son is making a good profit sewing on badges!!!
grrr If I had known, he could have done mine too. 

Anyway, after that I got on to some more interesting stuff.
Finally joined my four part journal quilts together
I really enjoyed stitching these , lovely valdani thread.

then I popped into our village charity shop, and the nice lady had saved me this.

wow, lovely soft fuchsia pink linen  with amazing buttons
what  does it want to be? I wonder.....

Then I sewed this, its a large sheet of christmassy stuff that you could cut decorations out of,
but actually it may go on to be a book cover [ or it might have a long sleep in the Christmas box.]

these are two little hearts that I will stitch into for the two smallest people in our family,
the other kids want to make their own hearts

And when we have all made a little heart, we are going to hang them on this big heart,on our kitchen wall
for Christmas.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

been scavenging again

wow! is that beautiful or what?
Just had a great visit with Wendy of emmelines place,
 oh my goodness such amazing treasure, Wendy is a mixed media artist and her work is lovely, and the stuff in her studio-- wow!
She has all these wonderful dyed fabrics, a whole collection of orange and yellow samples I love orange! thank you Wendy- I have something special in mind for this.
this wall paper has raised dahlias on it,Wendy has done some great rubbings of it and now shes given it to me- cant wait to get those markels out! 

And guess what this is?
Its a Pianola scroll!we were talking about spindles and Wendy has kindly given me one of her collection to use for a spindle book, but its almost too nice, I will have to think carefully about what I do with this,

look at the perforations....

  And in a proper box too..

thank you wendy for all the lovely stuff, I also came back with a head stuffed full of differant techniques and ideas and ended up failing to cook tea for the monsters because we were all so busy painting and chopping up magasines I will show this in a couple of days

And who remembers my last years december journal?  
its fat and wobbly and wierd and I loved making it, it was so  much fun to do,but it ended up triangular because I put so much in it
well, now I know how to rebind it to make it flat, just in time for this years one ,so lots coming bye for now, Tina

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


 I was trotting through the high street today, visiting all the charity shops, when this bag shouted at me--BUY ME-------BUY ME---I WANT TO BE A , BOOK  COVER REALLY, I .DO..........

And so, for the princely amount of £1.50    I bought a bag, its made of rows of indian sari cord and its got a silk lining


Isnt it gorgeous.
 watch this space........