Sunday, 13 November 2011

Busy week,little blighters.

A lot of sewing this week,too much in fact.
their were jeans to be mended,an under wire to be fixed back into a bra and then
bloody badges!!!!!!!!!
Its remembrance Sunday coming up and badges must be  on uniforms, not in boxes sitting in the to do pile,
after I had sewn about 57 thousand of the blighters on, then,
then Angela tells me her no 1 son is making a good profit sewing on badges!!!
grrr If I had known, he could have done mine too. 

Anyway, after that I got on to some more interesting stuff.
Finally joined my four part journal quilts together
I really enjoyed stitching these , lovely valdani thread.

then I popped into our village charity shop, and the nice lady had saved me this.

wow, lovely soft fuchsia pink linen  with amazing buttons
what  does it want to be? I wonder.....

Then I sewed this, its a large sheet of christmassy stuff that you could cut decorations out of,
but actually it may go on to be a book cover [ or it might have a long sleep in the Christmas box.]

these are two little hearts that I will stitch into for the two smallest people in our family,
the other kids want to make their own hearts

And when we have all made a little heart, we are going to hang them on this big heart,on our kitchen wall
for Christmas.


  1. Lovely stuff ......especially the purple work ..x

  2. Lovely colors these on your stitched piece. What a marvelous idea the hearts. Never seen anything like it. You're Christmasy fabric will make swell ornaments.
    xox Corrine

  3. Stitchery is looking beautiful, you have those shisha mirrors down to a tee! Stunning, great plan for the hearts :)

  4. Lovely, lovely! Yum! I love the Christmassy fabric and the hearts and the variety of stitch in the first photos.

  5. Goodness, you've been busy. Lovely valdani threads... attractive stitches too.

  6. The woven hearts are lovely for Christmas, looking forward to seeing a photo of them all hanging together.


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