Saturday, 30 January 2010

Yellow Peril.

Well where do I start? A mixed week really. happy to be joining in the magic carpet giveaway and meeting lots of interesting people ,and reading lots of other peoples blogs, sad to be feeling to ill to do any sewing. but starting to feel better now so here goes....If any of you read my other blog expeditionquiltart you will have read about my disasterous dyeing adventures, I am asking for any sugestions for what I could do with my january challenge quilt, it is seriously dayglo yellow, and bright red, I thought I would get a gentle mixed colour, not stripes its very scary.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I love those right colours. I would emrace them, maybe put a contrasting yet bold patch over the top. Possibly a silhouette... a tree, or a flower?


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