Saturday, 24 December 2011

one more sleep till the big fat bloke comes down your chimney and,........

Its almost here and we are all busy, having a making day,the three littlest people have been practising their foot pedal- needle up-needle down skills on these little snowmen, a very thought full gift from the quilters guild.

Mr Bear desperately needed a poncho for when he goes camping with the cubs[apparently,I have to make some miniature badges]
and so did little dotty bear,

meanwhile the taller short people' set to and did some baking,they are getting quite good at it.
which is just as well
as they have baked every day this week- and every day every scrap has been eaten,
 I had intended to show you a lot more stuff but blogger is refusing to load anything more up, so goodbye for now and have a lovely Christmas........Tina


  1. Lovely post about a lovely lead up to THE day, thank you for your blog, I dont often post but love it all the best for the next year.


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